Town Clerk / Tax Collector / Records Mgmt /Registrar/Information Officer


Records Management Officer/Vital Statistics Registrar

Notary Public available during business hours Mon-Fri 9-3:00 pm – This is a free service. Seniors or disabled who can’t leave home, we will come to you.

TOWN & COUNTY TAX Bills can be viewed or paid & receipts  downloaded from our website.

Joyce A. Grant

Town Clerk/Tax Collector
Elected 2011 (4 year term)

PO Box 67
Shandaken, NY 12480

Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30 – 3:00
Phone: (845) 688-5004
Fax: (845) 688-2041

Clerk’s office now takes Credit/Debit Cards for all Municipal Payments. Dog Licenses, Tax Bills, Water Bills, Peddler Permits, Marriage & Registrar Fees, Park Rentals, FOIL, Building Permits. Accepted at our window, through Snail Mail, Email, Fax or over the Phone. 

*All Checks must have a phone number on them

Dog Licenses – All dogs age 4 months or older must be licensed in New York State.  Rabies certificates are required at the time of licensing your dog.  You can complete the Dog License Application Form and submit it to the Town Clerk’s office along with a current  Rabies Certificate, spaying/neutering certificate (if applicable), and the appropriate fee.  The dog will be issued an identification tag which will remain with the dog for his lifetime.  The license, however, MUST be renewed annually.  Replacement tags can be purchased through the Town Clerk’s Office for $3.

Marriage License Applications – In NYS – you must apply/sign a Marriage License 24 hr. before your ceremony & have your ceremony within 60 days of your application date.  Applications for Marriage Licenses can be filled out at the Town Clerk’s office.  An appointment is required by calling our office at 845-688-5004Both parties MUST be present and have 2 proof of ID (Birth Certificate REQUIRED & Photo ID – Driver’s License or Passport).  If previously married, must provide Divorce Decree.  Fee $40. Cash or Check.

*Effective March 28, 2023 – NYS Amendment to Domestic Relations Law: Friends & Relatives can now legally Officiate your Marriage! Application form will be available on Town Clerk page on town website. $25 fee applies. Applicant must be at least 18 yrs. of age, Does not need to reside in NYS, Must show proof of ID – ONE DAY MARRIAGE OFFICIANT APPLICATION

As a service to those getting married in the Town of Shandaken, the Town Board has appointed the following Marriage Officiants. These officiants can legally witness or perform your marriage ceremony – and they meet the requirements as set forth by the NYS Domestic Relations Law.

ricardaRicarda O’Conner  can legally witness your Marriage & sign your license,  or perform the Ceremony.

845-688-5006 or email:


Maria Gianas can legally witness your Marriage & sign your license,  or perform the Ceremony.646-596-3300  or email:


Alan Fliegel can legally witness your Marriage & sign your license,  or perform the Ceremony. 845-750-3989 email

For more info: NYS Dept. of Health- Getting Married in NYS

Certificate of Marriage ApplicationMust be filled out in person

We have no records dated before 1881.

Copy of Marriage Record Application –   Must send photo I.D. copy with payment & Form

Copies of Birth Certificate Application  or

Copies of Death Certificate Application  call our office for more info 845-688-5004

Certified Copy of Death Record within 50 yrs of application can be obtained by only
-Spouse, parent child or sibling of the deceased;
-Lawful representative of spouse, parent child or sibling of deseased
-To a person with a NYS Court Order issued on a showing of necessity
-To a municipal, state or federal agency when needed for official purposes
-To a person with documented legal right or claim,
-To a person with documented medical need.
Cost $22 per, Copy of ID must be provided with notorized form

Certified Copy of birth certificate, within 75 yrs of application can be obtained by only
-the person named on birth certificate – if 18 yrs of age or older
-the parents of the person name on birth certificate
-to the lawful representative of the person named or the parents of the person named on the certificate.
-to a person with NYS Court Order
-Commission of Health or
-to a municipal, state or federal agency for official purposes
Cost $22 per, Copy of ID must be provided with notorized form

REGISTERING TO VOTE – U.S. citizens 18 years of age and older are eligible to vote provided they are properly registered. Applications for voter registration are available at the Clerk’s office or you may download a copy here and submit to Ulster County Election Board

Handicapped Parking Permits – The applicant and the medical doctor must complete the Handicapped Parking Permit form and submit it in person or by mail to the Town Clerk.  The applicant must also present their NYS Driver License or Non-Driver License at the time of applying for the permit.  Permits are issued either on a temporary basis of six months or a permanent basis of 5 years depending on the doctor’s recommendation.

As a precaution to residents please be advised that while driving, parking permits should not be displayed from your rear view mirror as you may be ticketed for “obstruction of view”.  Pursuant to NYS Traffic Law

Shandaken Parks Reservations – The Town Clerk’s office is responsible for all reservations made for all Town of Shandaken Parks. Call 688-5004 to make a reservation. Glenbrook, Parish Field & Big Indian Download Reservation Form

Application for Access to Records FOIL Under the provisions of the NY Freedom of Information Law (FOIL), Article 6 of the Public Officers Law, you may request certain public records from the Town Clerks office. There is a 25cent fee per page copy.

COPIES OF PUBLIC RECORDS, LOCAL LAWS, ETC. Copies of Local Government Records are available at Town Hall  for a fee of 25 cents per page.   Zoning, Subdivision of Land and other Town Laws and Ordinances are also available for viewing or purchase at the Clerk’s office.

TOWN BOARD MEETINGS  The Town Clerk records the Minutes of all Regular and Special Meetings and Public Hearings of the Town Board. The Official Minutes are permanent records of the motions and resolutions presented and considered by the Town Board. The Town Clerk has the sole responsibility of recording minutes. Minutes are not verbatim accounts of what is said but rather, at a minimum,  minutes must consist of a record or summary of motions, proposals, resolutions, action taken and the vote of each member.

Genealogy  – *We have no records dated before 1881.  In recent years, genealogy has become one of the world’s most popular hobbies. Countless people around the world are actively engaged in some form of family research. Whether it’s to satisfy a curiosity about oneself, provide children with a sense of who their ancestors were or to compile a medical history, people are trying to get in touch with their roots. Download Town of Shandaken App. for Genealogical Searches Cost $22 per search.

Vital records are the cornerstone of genealogical research, providing dates and locations of events in the life of an ancestor, as well as other useful data. And for those whose search leads them to the Town of Shandaken, these early vital records might just provide that piece of information about your ancestor you’ve been seeking. 

Peddler – Vending  LicensesDownload Peddler License Application In accordance with Shandaken Code 100-4, a Peddler License is required “for any person going from house to house or business to business or upon the public streets, roads, highways, sidewalks, parks and recreations ares… to sell or barter goods, wares or merchandise.”  

Sporting Licenses –   Licenses may  be purchased directly from the DEC  By Phone: 1-866-933-225

Or online at

EZ-Pass Tags – Now available at Town Clerks Office. More Info

Burning Permits – Yearly Ban on Open Burning is March 16 – May 14th as per NYSDEC. In accordance with the NYS Environmental Conservation Law sections 9-1105.5 and 9-1107 a burning permit  is required for all open burning in the Town of Shandaken. Free Burning Permits are issued at Town Clerk’s Office. MORE INFORMATION ON OPEN BURNING

*Open Burning allowed for Tree Limbs with attached leaves – less than 6″ diameter & 8 feet length. (Small Piles, Yard cleanup), Organic Agricultural Waste, Liquid Petroleum Smudge Pots to prevent frost damage to crops.


New York City DEP Access Permits – Access permits for New York City lands and reservoirs are not issued by the Town of Shandaken.  These permits may be obtained online at

Health Shed – Lending Closet – The Town Clerk’s office has available to the public, donated health items. Walkers, Crutches, etc. Free for lending to Shandaken Residents.  We are always seeking hard to find items such as Hospital Beds.

P.O. Box 67
Shandaken, NY 12480

Town Clerk Staff

Jacqui Guglielmetti, Deputy Town Clerk

Angela Galindo, Deputy Town Clerk

Additional Links:

Dog Control/Dog Adoption
Vital Records
Ulster County Taxation Finance Dept.

Shandaken Tax Bills

Onteora School Tax Information

Ulster County Board of Elections

The Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s Office is considered by many to be the center of Town Government and often provides the initial contact that residents have with local government. The Clerk’s Office is responsible for recording the business of Town government and also serves as a repository for a wide variety of Town documents. Historically, the Town Clerk is the Records Officer for the Town in addition to performing many other tasks that are required by State and local law or by the request of the Town Board. Some of the functions of this office includes election coordinator, issuance of dog licenses, hunting and fishing licenses,parking permits for the disabled and marriage licenses.

In Shandaken, the Town Clerk is also the Tax Collector and the Registrar of Vital Statistics. My Deputies and I encourage you to contact us with your questions, interests or concerns. 845-688-5004